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Mark Hyman


Dr Mark Hyman, Physician

Mark Hyman is a research doctor, a practicing family physician.


Internationally recognized, he is a member of a health committee, which advised President Barack Obama.


He is one of the leaders in a new approach to medicine that treats our entire system, not just our symptoms: the functional medicine.

Dr. Mark Hyman is leading a revolution; one that has centered on

using food as a ''medication'' to promote longevity, vitality, mental clarity, happiness, and more.


He is the Head of Strategy and Innovation of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, founder and director of The UltraWellness Center, a 13-time New York Times bestselling author, and Board President for Clinical Affairs for The Institute for Functional Medicine.


Dr. Hyman has turned his passion for Functional Medicine, real food, nutrition, and wellness into activism, working to change our food system on a global scale.



''Eating real food is the most revolutionary act we can be a part of. For more than 30 years I’ve been sharing the message that food is medicine and I’ve seen amazing results for my patients’ health and happiness; I hope you’ll join me and reclaim your own."

- Dr. Mark Hyman



Health Matters

Hyman's advice

The tips here are just a small part of Dr. Hyman's work. He has written several books that I invite you to read.


What to eat or not

  • A diet should be composed of 70% to 80% of vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruits (Whole foods)


  • Stay away from processed food


  • Avoid sugar


  • Red meat, choose grass-fed beef


  • Fish, make sure there is no mercury or metals


  • Avoid all kinds of pesticides, herbicides


  • No food additives


  • Grains or beans depend of your metabolism


  • Avoid Wheat

Food has a direct effect on moods. it is directly connected to how we feel and how we think


Food affects everybody and people don't understand how our food system is keeping them down and it's limiting our abilities to thrive and succeed as individuals or as a society


Impact of nutrition


Your environment

According to science, your zip code turns out to be more important as determinant of your health than your genetic code


Your friends and your social network is a bigger determinant of your health than your family


You have more chance to be obese if your friends are obese than if your parents are


90% of disease is determined by the exposome (the world you are exposed to, like : what you eat, the exercise you practice, your stress resilience, your exposure to environmental toxins)


You cannot change your genes but you can change how those genes work, which one are turned on or off by changing your exposome.


There is 5 causes of all disease :


  1. toxins

  2. allergens

  3. microbes

  4. poor diet 

  5. stresses


Causes of disease


How to avoid them


Ingredients to avoid disease:


1- Eat the right food : low process real whole fresh food it is low in sugar, high in the right fats

2- The right nutrients : light, air, water, love connection, community, sleep, restoration, food

3- Food is the most powerful drug on the planet



Don't take yourself too seriously, show up with love in every interaction and everything you do and have fun. 

If you believe in God, just leave the food that man made and eat the food that God made.


- Mark Hyman

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