Welcome to Biohack LT
Biohack LT is designed for people who are looking for the latest information on biohacking, how to live longer and most importantly, how to live healthy. The information you will find here, is the sum of research done by the greatest scientists in the world and people who spend their lives dedicated to this field. Some of the information will be scientific and others will be the result of trials by recognized people in the field that are not yet scientifically studied.
This information is the result of hundreds of hours of research on the internet, videos, reading of different scientific articles and review of scientific publications. This site allows you to have the information all in one place without having to go through the whole research process again.
This site aims to get to the heart of the matter. If you have any doubts or if you want to go deeper, there will always be links you can click on.
"Biohacking is the process of using science, biology, and self-experimentation to take control of and upgrade your body, mind, and life," says Dave Asprey, founder and CEO of Bulletproof.
Biohacking consists of hacking your own biology or your body to achieve a goal of well-being or productivity to reach and exceed its limits.
Your body is a wonderful machine and everything you put inside, your thoughts, your foods, your actions, your physical movement affects what you are and how you behave.